Welcome to the MyCourtClass.org affiliate program. We offer online court ordered educational programs for a wide variety of court offenses from Anger Management classes, Parenting classes, Drunk Driving (DUI & DWI) classes, Domestic violence classes, Alcohol Awareness Classes, Shoplifting classes, and more. We pay our affiliates very well offering an industry leading 25% commission for every sale.
The great thing about our program is that the classes we offer are 100% required by the courts, so when someone is searching for say a 12 anger management class online, they are very serious and looking to purchase a class right then and there because the court has mandated them to take the class, so they must take it. That is a great thing for you, our affiliate.
When someone visits your landing page where your affiliate link resides the probability that they are going to click on your affiliate link is extremely high!