Knose is a Sydney based pet care company.
Our purpose is to make Australian pets the healthiest and happiest in the world. A big goal? Maybe. But it’s what drives us to do what we do. And we’re taking steps to get there. Our mission is to ensure pets get the best care, and that they’re protected if something goes wrong. We make prevention easy with wellness subscriptions designed by vets, and clear-cut insurance cover if things do go wrong. Pet insurance can feel complicated but doesn’t have to be. Our pet insurance has been built from the ground up with vets’ advice to provide clear cover that’s easy to understand. We offer one insurance plan – simple.
The affiliate program aims to spread the word on Knose's clear, easy and straight-forward pet insurance and set-and-forget wellness plans. The average sale amount is $50 AUD (~$35 USD).
The affiliate and its representatives must:
a) Only publish promotional materials approved or provide by Knose;
b) Disclose the benefits the Affiliate will receive under this program
c) When displaying promotional offers approved by Knose the affiliate and its representatives must include the full Terms and Conditions of the promotional offer either via a link that reads "term and conditions apply" or on the same pages as the promotional offer.
Example remuneration disclosure:
[Affiliate] receives a commission of 10% of the first premium of policies sold from our referral. For more details see the Knose Pet Insurance Financial Services Guide.
What you get…
• 10% Sales
• Vanities for Custom Placements
• 45-Day Cookie
• In-House Affiliate Management
For any questions please reach out to