TreeGivers has planted trees in honor & memory in every US State & Canadian Province since 1981. Having planted over 250,000 trees these past 35+ years, we understand the importance of leaving a lasting, living legacy. A memorial tree planted in remembrance of a loved one is a perfectly thoughtful expression of sympathy for anyone who is eco-conscious: Nature lovers, green living enthusiasts, and for everyone who knows the importance of planting a tree.

Our product is proven, our website sales have been the backbone of the business for over a decade, and we are committed to working with our affiliate partners to maximize the value in our relationship. Our website is has been online since 1996 offering personalized tree planting memorial & correspondence packages. These packages notify their recipients of the thoughtful memorial gift of trees being planted on public lands in the state or province of their choice.

Additionally, we offer special, personalized seasonal packages for the gift-giving holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Valentine's Day, Mother's & Father's Days, and more. Our Earth Day packages are even among our most popular gifts each and every year.

We offer a 20% commission and our product price points range from $25 - $99 currently. We're interested in affiliating with partners whose audience matches our current core of satisfied, returning customers and look forward to working together in the future!