About Cosplay Shopper Affiliate

At Cosplay Shopepr, we look for associates who are a value-add for our customers – if you’re a passionate cosplayer, reviewer, stylist, content creator or curator who would like to refer your audience to products on Cosplay Shopper, you may be the right fit. When you become an Affiliate Advertising Partner with Cosplay Shopper you will receive a commission on all sales you refer to our site. Our Affiliate Program gives you the opportunity to earn money by referring your website visitors, friends, family or co-workers to our website.

How to join

Cosplay Shopper supports the popular ShareASale.com affiliate network. If you aren't already a ShareASale affiliate you need to create an affiliate account first. If you are already a ShareASale affiliate, it's simple to apply to our affiliate program through the ShareASale interface. Affiliate applications are typically reviewed within one business day or less.