Built Bar has the best protein bar on the market (don't believe us, just try one of our delicious 13 regular flavors, and our limited-time offerings). Our bars are light and fluffy, and they are only 110 calories for the 15 grams of protein it packs. Our bars are marketable* not only to fitness and health enthusiasts, they taste so good, they appeal to anyone wanting to appease their appetite with a tasty treat. (When is the last time you called your protein bar "tasty" and a "treat"?). Promote Built Bar to your audience, and not only will you be paid handsomely, you will be thanked by those who discover this amazing protein bar. Questions? Feel free to contact us at keon@advertisepurple.com. Our success is your success. We want to help any way we can! *Note: We currently ship our products to the United States & Canada. We accept publishers from all countries, but keep in mind our current shipping territories when you apply/promote. Thank you!