Dr. Ava Shamban, is a board-certified dermatologist. She understands the close link between appearance and self-esteem, and dedicates herself to helping patients of all ages improve their skin to live happier lives.

In today’s celebrity-focused world, many people want to look more like their favorite actor, singer, or model. At Ava MD there is no one-size-fits-all “fix” for cosmetic issues; rather, each person is an individual and has features that can be enhanced to bring out their own inner beauty. This is what led to Ava MD’s unique “Signature Feature” beauty philosophy. Each person has individual traits and personality that makes them who they are. Ava MD dermatologists believe that by trying to force a certain celebrity look, a disservice is being done to their individuality and natural beauty.

A positive self-image can do more for a person than longing to look like someone else. Dr. Ava and the staff at Ava MD celebrate positivity and want each of their patients to be happy in their own skin and with their unique appearance.