Who We Are

The Naked Dog Box is an all natural, gluten free dog food subscription box that is delivered to the consumer's door every two weeks with fresh, Made in the USA dry dog food. Included in the box is a surprise treat every single time.

A first order can range between $18 and $50, depending on the size of the dog, the number of dogs in a household and the amount of additional items a customer might buy.

For more information, contact marco@thenakeddogshop.com.

Why Promote TheNakedDogBox?

  1. Affordable pet food delivered to your door.
  2. All natural and protein rich.
  3. Free of grains and potatoes.

Program Details

Commission Rate: $20 for new sign-ups
Cookie Duration: 30 Days
Terms: Open PPC policy

Notable Terms

pet food, natural pet food, grain free dog food, supplies, subscription box, pet toys, pet treats, delivery, all natural pet food, gluten free pet food, grain free pet food, potato free pet food, corn free pet food, soy free pet food, hypoallergenic pet food, naked dog food, pet food, pet parenting, thenakeddogpost, thenakeddogbox