Average sale amount is $50
Products prices varies between $15 - $250
***We sell phone cases, wireless headphones, charging backpack and more
***We ship to all countries (worldwide international shipping) and locally in USA (more info here: uviyo.com). Low international shipping rates.
***We're mainly interested in English speaking countries and European countries.
***Benefits: Our products are selling a lot, because people always needs Phone Cases and other Wireless Tech staff
***We prefer affiliates with the following activity: Email Marketing, Organic SEO, PPC Ads, Blogs/Forums/News websites, Video, Social Media, Shopping Directory, Product Sites/Niche Sites, Banner Advertising, Reviewers/Influencers, Media Marketing Companies
***We do NOT have FREE shipping. Please, if you advertise, 1st ask us about our benefits or read more about us on our website or product pages and don't write your imagination. Don't lie to our customers.