
Night terrors affect 1 in 5 families in US. Developed by a physician and father, the Lully Sleep Guardian is the first proven non-medication solution to stop night terrors. In scientific studies with over 10,000 nights of testing, the Sleep Guardian stopped 8 out of 10 night terrors.

Lully Affiliate Program Details

Lully is looking for affiliates with content focused on the following areas: parenting, kids, sleep, health, gear, gadgets, family, and other related topics.

Here are the program details:

  • 20% Commission
  • Cookie days - 30 day duration
  • Average Order Value - $130
  • Email updates featuring seasonal promotions, contests, and sales opportunities
  • Dedicated account management

If you have any questions about the Lully affiliate program, please email the team at marketing@lullysleep.com, to ensure the quickest response.

I look forward to working with you,

Tuba Ugurlu
Director of Digital Marketing | Lully

Paid Search Policy:
Affiliates MAY NOT bid on trademark, trademark +, or misspelled keywords for the purpose of PPC on the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask etc.)