Small Company, Big <3

It all started with an idea. Here at Made on Terra, we love to create! We sell oodles (tens of thousands) of some of the coolest, most unique products you'll find with designs for every taste. Don’t find what you’re looking for? That’s okay, we offer customizable products as well. From stylish home goods, jewelry, and tech accessories, we aim to create affordable products you can use in your everyday life.

Our petite team in Small Town, USA designs and prints all of our products! Every product that passes through our doors to yours has been hand-assembled, checked for quality, and packaged by a real, amazing person.

We Support a Strong Global Economy

Made on Terra… you may be thinking, what does that mean? Terra is also another word for Earth. When creating this company, we looked at the big picture. We work with people all over the world to make our products what they are.

Without technology, it would be much harder to bring our “Made on Terra” idea to fruition. With a click of a mouse or a simple phone call, you can practically connect with anyone on earth in a blink of an eye. We can ship a package to New Zealand in a day, send a text or email to a sister in India as fast as we can think of it, and enjoy a conversation with a friend in Japan in real-time.

We at Made on Terra are proud humans and we're tickled that we've developed a business that supports our employees and their families in our neighborhoods in Small Town, USA as well as the employees and families of our business partners in countries across the globe. Technology has made us all neighbors. Isn't it fantastic?

So, what EXACTLY do we sell? Just about anything! Including:

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