The Linux Foundation is the nonprofit dedicated to promoting and protecting the Linux operating system. Members of the foundation include IBM, Intel, HP, Google, and many other major players in the tech industry. As part of our mission, we have a training and certification division that is dedicated to ensuring that there is enough experienced talent to support the rapid growth of Linux.
Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and is supported by leading technology companies and developers from around the world. We offer training and certification to ensure that there is enough trained Linux talent to keep up with the rapid adoption of Linux technologies.
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Publisher are prohibited to use our branded terms in search marketing campaigns including any variations or misspellings of the brand: Linux Foundation,, Linux Foundation Training & Certification
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"CKA" ? "Linux Foundation training" ? "Linux Foundation certs" ? "Linux Foundation cert" ? "Linux Training" ? "Linux Foundation course" ? "Linux Foundation Class" ? "Linux Foundation Certification" ? "Linux Foundation bootcamp" ? "Linux Foundation"
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Publisher are prohibited to use our branded terms in SEM Display URL Content including any variations or misspellings of the brand: Linux Foundation,, Linux Foundation Training & Certification
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Ad copy must not be deceptive and must accurately reflect current promotions. Publisher are prohibited to use our branded terms in SEM Ad Copy Content including any variations or misspellings of the brand: Linux Foundation,, Linux Foundation Training & Certification
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training, courses, sysadmin training, developer training, linux training, it training, linux certification, tech training, linux courses, elearning, certification, career help, webinar, get certified, tutorials, learn, operating system