Swords of Northshire sells a wide variety of samurai swords, many of which are fully customizable. We work closely with the most trusted swordsmiths in Longquan to bring you the highest quality, fully functional Japanese swords at an affordable price. You will find a level of customization and personalization unparalelled by other sword companies. If you can imagine it, chances are we can make it.

Every sword on our website is full tang and functional, constructed with the highest safety standards. You will never find any wall-hangers or sword-like objects here. Our goal is to exceed your expectations, and in turn create a new standard for the sword industry. Customer service is our top priority, you can expect detailed and thoughtful responses to your inquiries within a few hours, often minutes.

- We offer 4% base commission with the potential to earn up to 10% depending on performance

- Orders range from $100 - $1,000

- AOV is $340 making your average commission up to $51

- 30 Day Cookie


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