Wyldfire is a new mobile dating tribe focused on the experience for women. We believe the problem with the dating app world today is no one has created an app that correctly balances the needs of both male and female users. Wyldfire accomplishes this by setting up ladies as the gatekeepers (every male member has to be approved by a female member), and adding a suite of other features that benefit both men and women simultaneously. Safety and sex appeal what a great concept right? Wyldfire has received national press, has an active user base, and award winning product design. We are a startup who has successfully raised venture capital, and are constantly making headlines with our innovative concepts. We want bloggers in the lifestyle space to drive downloads of our app in the United States. We have specific geographic focus on San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago & Boston, but are excited by anyone who wants to write about us and add more fuel to our Wyldfire ;). We are currently paying 0.12 a download.