Be Natural Organics provides botanically active skin care through the use of plant enzymes and other botanical actives. This penetrates and stimulates collagen and elastin production, providing superior skin care results. Our products are free of harmful synthetic toxins and other dangerous chemicals commonly used in skin care products. I am excited to announce that Be Natural Organics has received outstanding ratings from "The Compact for Safe Cosmetics," a leading U.S. health and environmental agency dedicated to protecting the health and safety of consumers. Our chemists incorporate nutrient rich botanicals with the latest technology in peptides, liposomes, and other intensives to create high performance skin care that outperforms chemical laden products. When you review our ingredient profile you will notice that many of our formulations use organic aloe vera juice instead of water as a base. This intensifies the nutritional benefits and the natural repair function of skin much faster than commonly used water, making aloe vera juice a superior choice as a base and a delivery system. Our organic skin care products are featured in hospitals, physicians' offices, high end organic boutiques and exclusive hotels and day spas.