The SmugMug Affiliate Program
Ready to make money helping professional and amateur photographers take their business to the next level? The SmugMug affiliate program is for you!
SmugMug offers users:
- Unlimited high-res photo storage
- An easy-to-use portfolio builder
- Secure image hosting and photo sharing
- Full ecommerce solutions (with Pro level accounts)
- Printing on 1,200+ giftable and art quality products
- And more
And we welcome all types of partners including:
- Bloggers and influencers
- Photography communities and associations
- Workshop leaders
- Industry publications
- Photo editing tools, apps, and software
- Niche websites for hobbies and cameras
- And anyone else with a relevant audience
As a trusted leader in the photography industry and with competitive commissions, you’ll soon discover why the SmugMug affiliate program is an industry leader. Have questions, contact our affiliate manager Adam Riemer by writing to adamr (at) smugmug (dot) com. We look forward to welcoming you to the program today!