The affiliate program pays a 10% per commission per sale. We give 60 day cookies. In this industry, many customers place monthly orders, so 60 day cookies means you can often get 2 (or more) sales for one paying customer.

Please note that for coupon affiliates, the commission rate is 5%, with 60 day cookies. We are offering great coupon codes, which, with a high conversion rate, should offset the lower commission rate.

Our web site,, is a beautiful web site, designed with all of the industry best practices to convert and generate sales. Since our launch of this new site, we have seen a very solid conversion rate - well above the industry standard.

The average order size is around $70 - and steadily growing. These products are expensive, and consumers dedicated to quality are willing to pay high prices for them.

As this is a niche industry, consumers searching for superfoods, or specific products, know what they are looking for. This leads to very targeted buyers, with solid conversion rates.