The world's supply of fresh water is dwindling, and our drinking water source is becoming more polluted

and toxic. The need for affordable clean, healthy water has catapulted the drinking water industry into

more than a quarter trillion-dollar industry.

Zen Water offers a revolutionary way to transform tap water into healthy purified mineral drinking

water using only gravity. Zen Water features an 8-stage filtration and filtration system that filters,

purifies, alkalize, and mineralizes your tap water. The result is healthy delicious mildly alkaline mineral

water with great health benefits for the entire family.

Our customers are generally health conscious, responsible consumers who are eco-friendly and

financially saavy. Without the need to buy bottled water, Zen Water reduces carbon footprint pays for

itself in 1 to 2 months. Zen Water can be used at homes, in the office, cabins, campgrounds, RV and

anywhere else water is required.

We invite you to become our affiliate, and Zen Water is pleased to offer a commission of 12% on every

sale with an AOV of $68 and Cookie Duration of 60 Days. There are no restrictions on product categories

or SKUs – you earn the same on everything we sell. You stand to make much more if your customers

purchase multiple units. And once they do, they will come back to purchase more units for their friends

and families. We even offer free shipping on orders over $49!

If you have any questions about your partnership with Zen Water, please feel free to reach out to