Since 1995 Botanical Interests has offered a unique, high-quality line of organic and untreated garden seeds. We offer over 600 garden-proven seed varieties, many of which are certified organic and heirloom; all of our seeds are untreated, and all are verified by the Non-GMO Verified Project, which tests for GMO contamination. Our seed packets are designed to educate and inspire gardeners with simple but complete organic growing and harvesting instructions, recipes, history, and more.
Garden bloggers and writers earn a 15% commission on referred sales. Brick and mortar stores with a wholesale, terms relationship with Botanical Interests are eligible for our Online Partnership Program, which earns 35% commission on referred sales. At this time, we only ship within the U.S., and we only accept affiliates based in the U.S. and Canada with garden-centric content. We reserve the right to refuse affiliate applications for any reason, and we do not work with coupon sites.
We have a library of creatives like banners and images for use on your website, which includes free downloads for your audience like our popular garden journal and botanically-inspired coloring books. Sites with garden content are welcome to request FTP access to our data feed so you can create a virtual Botanical Seed display on your own website.
Come partner with us!