CorpNet is a business startup, registration, and legal filing service. We can incorporate a business, form an LLC (Limited Liability Company), and provide Registered Agent Services in all 50 States. Our customer service ratings and reviews are unsurpassed. As an affiliate for CorpNet you are paid on the CorpNet services (not on any state or government filing fees - see below).

CorpNet offers a free corporate name search which gets users started and signed up for the service right away. A great conversion tool for traffic. CorpNet offers customers a 100% guarantee. This also leads to great conversions

Benefits of joining

** Earn a 20% commission (on net sales*) to start and up to 30% on net sales of $15,000
** 90 return days. Gives you an advantage on conversion and earnings.
** Phone tracking for phone orders - many orders are taken by phone and their operators are trained to get the affiliate ID from the Shareasale phone tracking code.
** Great variety of creative banners, text, keyword and content links.
** We are on auto deposit.

*CorpNet will pay a commission on all CorpNet service offerings. Commissions will be paid on Net sales. Net sales is defined as:

Gross sales less: -- Any applicable State and or Federal filing fees, Publication fees, or other filing fees;
--Shipping and handling (including Federal Express or other courier charges);
--Refunds, credits, merchant service chargeback’s, and returns;

Ie…CorpNet will not pay a commission for the following:
-- Any applicable State and or Federal filing fees, Publication fees, or other filing fees;
--Shipping and handling (including Federal Express or other courier charges);
--Refunds, credits, merchant service chargeback’s, and returns;