Welcome to the CoreCommerce affiliate program. CoreCommerce helps existing enterprises and new online store owners operate a successful online business and we back them with our legendary, personal support. Each CoreCommerce plan you sell to a third party will allow you to make a referral fee for that sale equal to 200% of the monthly plan value. This is a one time payout after the second month the client is onboard with us. Monthly SaaS plans range from $19.00 a month to $600 per month. Please refer to our current pricing plans at https://www.corecommerce.com/pricing. We also have a customizable hosted payments page for those companies that simply want to get paid online or receive donations. At $5.00 per month for hosting plus 2.90% + $.30 per transaction, accounts can be quickly approved and begin accepting payments online. We have teamed up with Shareasale to provide trusted third party tracking, reports and monthly payouts. Join the CoreCommerce Affiliate Program today! You may also reach us at 615-550-5516. Please fill in this information and we will review and approve your application.