Boost your revenue by joining OraHealth’s affiliate partner program

OraHealth is the world leader in the breakthrough technology of “oral adhering discs,” which time-release therapeutic levels of medication precisely where they’re needed. When you choose OraHealth products, you know you’re getting high-quality, innovative oral care solutions that are solidly backed by careful research based on medical science. For more information on OraHealth, please visit

Our product, XyliMelts®, is the best treatment for Dry Mouth (xerostomia). Stimulating saliva, XyliMelts moisturizes the mouth and coats it in a soothing oral lubricant to keep your mouth comfortable for hours. Adhering disc technology means you can even use XyliMelts while you sleep, when Dry Mouth is at its worst! XyliMelts also contain xylitol to suppress the harmful bacteria that flourish in a dry mouth, reducing bad breath, plaque, tooth decay and gum disease. The mild mint flavor of XyliMelts freshens breath and stimulates saliva.

OraHealth has partnered with ShareASale to offer a straightforward affiliate signup and profit-collecting process. All of our affiliates will receive fast and easy monthly payments of at least 25% on all sales. Affiliates earn an additional 5% on all sales generated by partners they refer.

OraHealth Program advantage:

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