International Gift Delivery from the gift experts.

Why partner with offers a full line of unique products including Gifts, Apparel, Jewelry, Gadgets, Pet Gifts, Floral arrangements, Gift Baskets, and Art and Crafts for everyday occasions like Anniversary, Birthday, Wedding, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and Christmas. makes gifting-giving easy. With only a click, you can have gifts delivered to over 184 countries! We offer 100% satisfaction, 24/7 customer service and expert gift suggestions.

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Program Details

Commission Rate: 18%
Cookie Duration: 60 Days
Datafeed: Yes

Keywords for Category Placement

Gifts, Flowers, International, Christmas gifts, Wine, Gift baskets, Gift hampers, Cakes, Chocolates, Personalised gifts, Jewellery, Jewelry, Gourmet, Corporate gifts, Business gifts

Selling Points:

  1. Caters gifts to 184 countries.
  2. 100% satisfaction guarantee for all gifts delivered.
  3. 24*7 customer service assistance including expert gift suggestions.
  4. Offers you Industry's best pay-out rates.