Mighty Kind! Partnership Initiative

Mighty Kind! Partnership Initiative

At Mighty Kind!, we're all about celebrating and rewarding the enthusiasm and fidelity of our community. That's why we've launched a unique program that allows our patrons and advocates to profit from spreading the word about us. It's a win-win-win: more sales for us, earnings for you, and your network gets access to top-notch hemp products at fantastic prices!

Becoming a partner with our program is simple. Just fill out the application form here, and we'll assess it within 3 to 5 business days. Please note, all partners must be 21 years of age or older.

Upon acceptance, you'll earn commissions for each purchase you influence — be it via social platforms, email campaigns, direct traffic, or your personal blog. We offer a variety of promotional materials to give you the flexibility you need to share as you see fit.

If you have the influence, join the Mighty Kind partnership initiative today and tap into limitless earning potential.

Ideal Candidates for the Mighty Kind! Partnership Program

Our program is a perfect fit for those who are eager to advocate for Mighty Kind! and motivate their circles to try our products.

We see great results from partners such as:

Please note, we do not allow branded PPC keyword traffic, including but not limited to Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. Also, coupon sites are not eligible for our program.

Perks of Partnership

Teaming up with us as a marketer comes with numerous advantages:

Introducing Mighty Kind!

Welcome to Mighty Kind, a beacon of excellence in the hemp industry. With over 5 years of experience, our journey began as CBD Seltzers and through this time, we've cultivated a deep understanding and respect for the power of hemp and hemp derived THC products. Our mission is to deliver premium-quality, hemp-derived products that our customers can trust and enjoy with ease.

Why Partner with Mighty Kind!?

Mighty Kind! empowers you to monetize your platform by promoting products you believe in. Capitalize on the reputation of a leading name in the hemp market, offering top-tier, lab-tested, Farm Bill-compliant products that your audience will surely appreciate.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a business model where partners (affiliates) earn a commission by promoting a company's (merchant's) goods or services. It's a strategy that relies on the affiliate's influence to direct potential customers to the merchant's online presence.

The Process Simplified

Affiliate marketing connects three entities — the merchant (us, Mighty Kind!), the affiliate (you), and the consumer (your network).

Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Sign up and become a Mighty Kind! partner to get your unique link.
  2. Incorporate this link into your promotional efforts, like blog posts or social media updates.
  3. Track the sales you generate and receive your 15% commission on schedule.

Ready to get started? JOIN NOW!