At UCAN, we believe in the combined power of innovation, science, and sports nutrition. We’re on a mission to empower athletes at all levels to achieve their personal best, and reach beyond their own expectations.

In 2008, scientists in Europe discovered a new way to cook starches. Through a patient, precise cooking process, starch yields a gentle, slow-digesting carbohydrate. This patented cooking method is applied to a specific strain of non-GMO cornstarch to create a novel type of carb that delivers a steady release of glucose over several hours. The UCAN Company was formed for the purpose of manufacturing this one-of-a-kind carbohydrate called LIVSTEADY™.

From our early roots in running, our popularity now expands to professional and collegiate sports teams, thought leaders in fitness and performance, and low carb enthusiasts who all understand the importance of steady energy without sugar.

Meet Team UCAN and hear how LIVSTEADY helps them live their healthiest, best life while unleashing their potential.