Welcome to the Sisters of the Valley Partner Program

The Sisters of the Valley team is passionate about our partnerships. Our approach to affiliate marketing is very simple – we seek to create value for you and your members!

We’ve created general offers and program terms, but we recognize your users are unique. At Sisters of the Valley, we feel strongly about delivering the tools you need to be successful and don’t believe in a one size fits all approach to affiliate marketing. We strive to personalize our program and partnerships, so let us know what you need to be successful. We hope to co-develop unique, custom and exclusive offerings.

What you get…


About Sisters of the Valley: We are the Sisters of the Valley, very visible in the media in our struggle to shed light on natural choices for healing and pain relief. We make all our products by hand in a spiritual environment as we believe the energies that we sow into the medicine, travel with it to the suffering people. We make our products by the cycles of the moon, as we know our ancient mothers did. We label every batch by the moon cycle and test every batch with SC labs for potency. Those test results are readily available on our website. We also have a rich source of blog articles and are quite active on social media. With budding enclaves in Mexico, Sweden, England and Brazil, the Sisters' global influence is fueling their growth. The affiliate program is an essential ingredient to those growth objectives. For any questions, please reach out to pasha@advertisepurple.com