is a leading nationwide online nanny and family matching database service. Nannies4hire has been affiliated with the nanny industry since 1987 and brings over 15 years of successful ownership know-how in the nanny industry. This leadership, combined with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the nanny experience, has helped produce one of the best online databases available. We have welcomed aboard hundreds of thousands of families, nannies and babysitters and our list continues to grow daily. is the newest addition to our family.  Based on the foundation used for, this new site includes more providers, including housesitters, petsitters, elderly care and elderly companions, tutors and general help for errands or other temporary helpers.. Choosing a nanny or babysitter for your children is a big decision which often involves asking questions and needing expert guidance. has been featured on the Dr. Phil Show, was on the Jon & Kate Plus 8 show when Co-Founder Candi Wingate interviewed propective nannies for them.  Their latest national exposure is on the SUPERNANNY show!  This Nannies4hire national exposure means more recognition and more sales for our partners.

As we see more families where both parents work outside the home, the need for skilled and qualified in-home nanny and babysitter services continue to skyrocket. Be a part of this very successful industry and promote and Help parents find that perfect match in their search for someone they can trust to watch over their children.

Benefits for our partners:
  • $40 commission per family registration
  • 60 day cookies
  • Free keywords
  • Dedicated program management
  • Superior partner support
  • Anti-parasite
  • Contests and incentives

PPC Rules
The only limitation we have on PPC keywords and phrases are our trademarks., Nannies4Hire, Nannies International Inc., Babysitters4hire, misspellings and typos are not permitted. We want you to be very successful with us so please feel free to ask if you have any questions about our policy.  

Please don’t hesitate to ask questions, offer feedback or suggestions-we’re dedicated to your success.