Meet Vestaboard—the smart messaging display that blends nostalgic charm with real-time connectivity. Named one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies of 2023, Vestaboard re-imagines split-flap displays of departure boards for the modern day with 8,448 whirring flaps that can be used to send a message from anywhere, at any time. As it changes, the display creates a mesmerizing sound that inspires delightful moments of connection that get people looking up. The digitally-connected board combines modern tech with classic charm, instantly infusing life, motion, and art into any space at home or at work. Designed by the team that brought products like the Nest and Roku to life, Vestaboard is beautifully built with the highest-quality materials to help elevate any space and bring people together around shared messaging. Available in white and black, Vestaboard sells for $3,295. We offer affiliate partners a 10% commission, a 90-day cookie duration, and a dedicated affiliate team. Reach us at