Be a part of the Oli Kids Co. family! Share our adorable children's books and character-inspired accessories to bring a smile to children everywhere.

Happiness and smiles, soothing comfort, and childhood early literacy go hand-in-hand with the mission of Oli Kids Co. We are passionate about bringing smiles to young children’s faces through our children’s book and accessory line. Oliver Poons and his friends' adorable faces and whimsical antics have ventured off the confines of their bound pages and onto pillows, blankets, apparel, and more.

Do you have a fond memory of being read to as a child? “These are my child’s favorite books.” is feedback we at Oli Kids Co. often hear. Literacy, of course, is an essential skill to participate in today’s world. It is important to realize that it just may be the early joys of reading that cultivate the enthusiasm for lifelong readers. Oli Kids Co. supports an early love for reading with rhyme and brightly-colored characters that engage young readers' attention. These are books that children ask to read again and again and are a great addition to a soothing bedtime routine.

The inscription on all Oli Kids Co. books reads: "May Oliver Poons and his friends bring you much joy. May he bring a smile to your face, a ray of sunshine to your day, and sweet dreams to you at night."

By joining the Oli Kids family you, too, will be bringing smiles to young children’s faces while promoting early literacy.