Cutting Edge Firewood offers the best firewood and cooking wood available. Period. We offer a 10% commission on all of our popular products for sale on the website at With Father's Day, BBQ/grilling season and fire pit weather, this is a perfect time of year to partner with us. At Cutting Edge Firewood, we believe the best experiences around fire come from unmatched products with unparalleled service. Whether we are making memories sitting by the fireplace, hanging out around the fire pit, or cooking up a meal on the grill, we are deeply passionate about creating experiences that will last a lifetime. What makes Cutting Edge Firewood special: --Cutting Edge Firewood makes it simple as their wood lights easily, burns brighter and longer, with less smoke. --Most firewood you find is green or moldy, having just been sourced from tree removals. The hand-selected firewood from Cutting Edge undergoes the most rigorous drying process ensuring the wood is clean, dry and ready to burn. The process is 12 times longer than the USDA standard. --Cutting Edge Firewood is free from pests, mold, and fungus, so you can feel safe receiving and storing boxes anywhere in your home. --They deliver your premium firewood in racks or boxes anywhere in the continental US, making the process as easy and stress-free as possible. --Each firebox includes everything you need for 2-4 amazing fireside experiences, including fire starters, kindling, matches, and firewood. --Their cooking wood offerings include oak, hickory, cherry, pecan, maple, and apple. They specialize in the best cooking wood for every grill need, including chunks, splits, sticks, and pizza cuts. --Celebrity chefs love Cutting Edge and use it in their homes and restaurants including NYC's Pig Beach BBQ's Matt Abdoo, winner of Top Chef All-Stars Richard Blais, creator and producer of BBQ Pitmasters John Marcus, and Top Chef’s Kevin Gillespie. Terry Bradshaw is also a huge fan!