About Blacksmithofficial Affiliate Program

BlackSmith, a leading manufacturer of highly secure and durable gun safes, is renowned for its three primary products: long gun safes, bedside gun boxes, and travel gun boxes. To ensure unprecedented safety, BlackSmith uses superior quality steel, setting a high benchmark within the industry. Additionally, they incorporate cutting-edge features such as fingerprint recognition unlocking and app remote operations, enhancing both accessibility and convenience for users of their gun safes and boxes. You can know more about Blacksmith official by checking the blogs here

Our brand has been discussed by some car enthusiasts on forums, blogs as well youtube and get great feedback! Through our affiliate program, you can promote Blacksmith product easily and earn a great commission quickly.

Program Highlights
  • Commission: At least 5% and special promotion opportunities 
  • Cookie Duration: 30 Days 
  • AOV: $100+ 
  • Up to Date banners, coupons, deals — Help make your promotion much easier 
  • Monthly newsletter - stay informed of all the latest promotions. 
Customer Benefits
  • Affordable price
  • Free shipping
  • 12 months warranty



  • Not allowed to use domains containing the brand's name
  • Not allowed to use the brand's name in the subdomain on the publisher's own domain
  • Paid keyword ads that bid on the terms relating to Blacksmith (case-insensitive) are not allowed. Those forbidden paid terms include but are not limited to, Blacksmith,Blacksmithofficial.COM, or www.Blacksmithofficial.com. Any variations or misspellings are also prohibited. If we find any TM infringement during your promotion, the commissions you have generated will be withdrawn.
  • You are strictly prohibited from using any advertising method that does not funnel to Blacksmithofficial sites such as wholesale and dropshipping.
  • If we find any TM/TM+ violation or malicious fraud, commissions generated will not be paid. We will ask for compensation for serious consequences or losses caused by the violation.
  • Popups and Click Unders, Adult, and Incentivized traffic are strictly prohibited. No commissions, leads, or payments will be given for such traffic.

Blacksmith has participated in social media marketing including youtube, blog, forum for a few years. You can easily find Blacksmith product and get a good feedback through influencers. Affiliate types of news, reviews, video, the banner will be appreciated.

We are proud of the service we provide to our customers and know you will be pleased with becoming an Affiliate. If you have any questions or comments about our Affiliate Program, creative partnership or anything else, please feel free to contact us at affiliate@blacksmithofficial.com!