As a veterinarian, pet acupuncturist, and pet owner, Dr. Michelle Dulake co-founded Fera Pet Organics, a pet supplement brand that creates effective, clean, and delicious supplements for dogs and cats by using natural and holistic ingredients necessary for each body system. Fera Pet Organics provides effective supplements to improve pets' health and quality of life, whether it be a shinier coat, solid poops, more energy, increased mobility, you name it.

Each supplement is custom formulated by Dr. Dulake and made in the USA in FDA-registered GMP compliant facilities with high quality natural ingredients with the correct dosing. We are NASC certified and each batch is third party tested for purity and potency. We are also an accredited business by the Pet Sustainability Coalition (PSC), a group that helps to advance companies through profitable environmental and social practices.

We have the only USDA Organic Probiotics + Prebiotics on the market, along with our USDA Organic Mushroom Immune Support, which makes us one of a kind. We have the highest amount of active ingredients in each product. We are the perfect blend of eastern and western ingredients for all your customers who are looking for a holistic and organic approach for their pet.

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  • AOV: $71
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  • Dedicated and responsive affiliate support team
  • Newsletters with updates on promotions and new products
  • Our team will review applications within 24 hours, except on weekends
  • Once approved, you will have access to our links, logos, and banners

If you have any questions about becoming a partner, affiliate program details, or anything else, please reach out to Fera Pet Organics’s Affiliate Management Team at:

We are looking forward to working together!