For the guy who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty - but still wants to clean up nice.

Gentleman Farmer is a modern grooming and accessories company on a mission to create clean, effective and sustainable products for discerning men. Cruelty-free and made in the USA.

Our Brand Pillars:
Kindness – “Gentleman,” after all, is in the name and we endeavor to make the world a better place and support like-minded philanthropic partners.
Tradition – we honor and respect those who are connected to the land by consciously sourcing ingredients.
Uncompromising – our commitment to sustainability touches all aspects of our business, from our ingredients to our packaging. We try to work exclusively who those who share our values, and whenever possible, support other small and local businesses.
Transparency – we share all our ingredient and packaging sources; where we have success and where we’re trying to improve.
Subtle humor – we take our products, customers and supply partners seriously, not ourselves.