Sears Home Services (Home Improvement)

Sears Home Services has been a leader in home improvement and remodeling services for more than 30 years. Our home renovation team is always more than happy to help.

The services we offer are:

(HVAC) Heating and cooling replacement and installation - Highest revenue producing offering with a $7,800 AOV - High Volume - Quickest turnaround time from inquiry > Appointment > Installation > Completion - 3 weeks. High close rate

Window replacement and installation - Second highest revenue producing offering with a $9,400 AOV - Very High Volume - Turnaround time from inquiry > Appointment > Installation > Completion - 4 to 12 weeks.

Roof replacement and roofing installation - Highest AOV offering at $14,500 with lower volume. Turnaround time from inquiry > Appointment > Installation > Completion - 3 to 8 weeks. Seasonal for variable weather zip codes.

Siding installation - AOV at $13,700 with lower volume. Turnaround time from inquiry > Appointment > Installation > Completion - 2 to 10 weeks. Seasonal for variable weather zip codes.

Bathroom and kitchen remodeling - AOV at $10,000 to $14,000 - Medium to High volume - Immune to seasonality - Turnaround time from inquiry > Appointment > Installation > Completion - 1 to 8 weeks.

We pay 5% commissions on any of the above

If you have any detailed questions feel free to reach out to:

Affiliate Manager: Koki Mourao