About our brand

For these two, a passion for home, furniture, and styling pieces that work together has been a constant theme in their lives. However, it was only recently (as in last year in 2019) that this passion developed into a partnership and now a reality in the home, furniture, and decor space....coming to life with the brand known as Okoa Home. 
Let's take a look at how this all happened. From a very young age, Brian Ehlert loved to build and put things together. He comes from a family with a rich history of golf management and building. His grandfather was a home builder for 20 years and managed golf courses starting back in the 1960’s. His father continued the tradition as a home builder, and also built and managed several golf courses when Brian was younger. As such, Brian developed an early love of golfing and was exposed to the management-side of things for many years.

About our Affiliate Program

We offer a 8% commission on each qualifying sale with 30 days cookie period. We also give a wide variety of banners, text links, and other tools to promote the program. A dedicated affiliate manager is also available to help you with your questions.