KetoNatural Pet Foods is a premium keto/low carb dog food. After 4 years of dedicated research to understand the obesity and cancer epidemic our dogs our now experiencing, CEO Dan Schulof wrote the book "Dogs, Dog Food, and Dogma: The Silent Epidemic Killing America's Dogs and the New Science That Could Save Your Best Friend's Life" and following publishing the book decided it was time to make a real difference - Meet KetoNatural Pet Foods. KetoNatural's pet food formulas are customized for each individual dog's needs and are formulated to give our dogs optimal health which will enable them to live long, healthy lives. The food contains all of the nutrients and ingredients your dog needs without all the junk large pet food manufacturers use in their dog foods which is causing this epidemic. This premium dog food comes with a great Average Order Value of over $100, and the website converts at over 3%. We offer very healthy commissions with a 30 day tracking gap. Strategic retargeting campaigns are set up to aid our efforts. For any questions, please contact our affiliate manager and