makes quality growing easy and accessible to literally everyone. No steep learning curves. No dirt in the car on the way home from the garden center. Instead, there’s way more fun, and far less frustration - that’s the way.

Carefully Picked, Packed, and Shipped

We have developed a unique system for packaging and shipping plants to ensure that they arrive healthy and ready to grow in your yard. Our boxes are extra tough and we’ve put them through rigorous tests – like throwing them down a flight of stairs with live trees in them! No trees were harmed during testing!

We're Excited to Partner with You!

Program Highlights:

  • 7% commission payout
  • Long 30-day cookie
  • Exclusive promo codes for affiliates
  • Performance incentives
  • $200+ customer order value
  • 26 million visitors
  • Top-notch creative marketing

For more information, contact Travis at