Come join the Fastful community. Our generous affiliate program features 10% commission, which rises to 15% following a month of at least $250 in gross sales. Also, you'll receive a $50 bonus after you achieve your first 10 sales. Intermittent fasting is a simple, proven lifestyle that leads to a healthier mind, body and spirit. And nothing prepares you for your next fast better than Fastful, the world’s ONLY pre-fasting nutrition bar. In fact, 85% of users reported that fasting was easier with Fastful. Simply enjoy a bar immediately before beginning time restricted eating. The optimized macronutrients keep you fuller, longer, making fasting a breeze. And because Fastful contains no artificial ingredients, gluten, GMO's or added sugars, the bars are a perfect addition to a regular fasting lifestyle. Ideal Affiliates and Publishers: Fitness, Healthy Food, Healthy Lifestyle, Weight loss, trainers, nutrition coaches, fashion, etc. Learn more at