It’s time for women to step up out of the shadows and become the Goddess they were born to be!!!
Six deuce is a woman's sports-clothing brand that promotes woman to be the best version of themselves.

Payout structure:
12% of the order amount before tax and shipping
sales over USD10.000 per month additional 3% commission

Cookie life:
Our Cookie life expires in 90 days.
“last cookie wins” rule. This principle ensures that, regardless of how many affiliates touched the same customer, it is the last affiliate whose link the customer clicked that gets the compensation.

Marketing collateral:
We provide a library of marketing materials that can be used to promote and advertise our products.

Competitive advantage:
Our products are trendsetting and unique in our market segment.
We offer performance bonuses and rewards.
Our program is actively managed by a dedicated account manager.

Appropriate use of our trademark and image library as per our terms and conditions