
Welcome to Hightly & Fewer Regrets' affiliate program!
We offer 20% commission for content affiliates and 10% commission for shopping affiliates. Our cookie duration is 30 days and our AOV is $35.

A little bit about our products:

Hightly products Natural Recovery and Oxygen Max are 2 incredibly innovative products with great buy rate. Our products are highly raved about and our customers generally come back for more.

Natural Recovery is a 5 star rated joint supplement. Its ingredients are unlike any others supplements and its ingredients have been used for centuries to aide in joint and muscle aches. Its ingredients have been research by big pharma to help develop pharmaceuticals.

Oxygen Max has been on the market for over 7 years, making it the oldest Cordyceps Sinensis product on the market. It is designed to boost oxygen utilization helping Cellular Energy and Cardiovascular performance. This Advanced ATP supplement offers Natural Clean Energy to even the extreme athletes. It has been used by hikers on Mt. Everest and Bike racers in France. Its history of extreme uses are endless.

Fewer Regrets is a scientifically formulated natural supplement designed prevent hangovers before they begin.

Our program offers all the necessary banners and media to get started. We also offer customer media and development for approved affiliates. Please contact hannah@adertisepurple.com if you have any questions!