Pooch Perks® offers a fully customizable, premium, monthly subscription box service for dog and pooch owners. Pamper your pooch with a monthly box filled with toys, treats, and accessories. Not interested in a subscription? That’s okay. Pooch Perks® also offers sample boxes and themed boxes for one-time ordering and has a huge assortment of individual dog toys for sale too!

Give your pooch something they like by customizing a Pooch Perks® box today. There are three types of Pooch Perks® boxes available. You can create a box with just toys or treats or you can give your pup the best of both! You get to choose a box based on your dog’s size and weight and you can choose to try the box for 1, 3, 6, or 12 months; there are no long-term commitments and you can cancel at any time.

You can buy a Pooch Perks® box for as low as $14.99. Pooch Perks® takes pride in helping charities and organizations so a portion of your monthly subscription fee will be donated to charities and organizations that rescue abused or neglected dogs.


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If you have any questions or need anything, please reach out to mgarrido@poochperks.com