Join Brainiac Supplements Affiliate Program Today!

HUGE Promotional Contest Starts April 13th, 2015...
Make sure to sign up NOW and be a part of the largest natural heath contest this year!

Summary Of The Program Details

When you join Brainiac Supplements as an affiliate partner you are joining one of the fastest sectors in the Natural and Alternative Health space, Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Insulin Resistance and Diabetic Supplements. Brainiac Supplements offers the consumer, only the very best creations - supplements produced from the highest quality and most effective ingredients available.

If your website serves any of the following groups, you will enjoy being a part of and earning with our affiliate partners program:

Our ShareASale affiliate partners program details are as follows:

REMINDER - Commission Increase Available Today:

In an effort to provide you with even more we are offering to increase your commission to 30% for taking action today. If you place two links (banners, text links, product links, etc) on your site we will lock your commission at a personalized 30% level for life. Once the links are up on your site, just email me at david {at} so that I can review them and make an immediate decision.