About us Star Registration is the leading provider of star-namings worldwide. With over 100,000 named stars, we know exactly what matters to the customer. Therefore, we have developed a unique app and software with which the customer can find his named star at any time. In addition, each customer receives a certificate, a star map, and an information sheet with all relevant information. Everything is sent in a high-quality presentation folder, ready to gift. Commission & Remarketing We offer our affiliate partners a 15% commission with an average shopping cart of $81 and a conversion rate of over 4%. The whole thing is supported by remarketing of website visitors on all social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Display Ads, Youtube Videos, TikTok, and Snapchat! Traffic coming through affiliates is explicitly not excluded from these remarketing efforts. Promotional material You haven't found suitable advertising material? Write us and our graphics team will create suitable material for your website! Experience has shown that particularly high conversions can be achieved with theme portals such as: Gifts and gift ideas Love and relationships Family and children Friends and acquaintances Wedding and anniversaries Valentine's Day Interior and design Achieve creative and extraordinary.