It all started when lifetime friends Robert and Matthew were discussing the unique, yet intriguing trend-setting fashions that continue to evolve within their home state of California. From the casual styles of San Francisco to the fashion-forward influences of Los Angeles. It became apparent that the California lifestyle needed a new luster in order to reflect the fashion of today. Robert and Matthew, always intrigued by the connections that women have with their handbags, soon developed a passion to embody style, personality, and the latest trends in creating fashionable purses for all occasions. Thus Robert and Matthew set out to create the hottest new fashionable yet functional handbags that women around the world are proud to flaunt. With over 17 years of experience in the fashion & handbag industry, our design team works around the clock to ensure we give our customers the latest styles and fashion-forward looks! We are excited to offer you 10% per sale on a product with an average sale price of $42. We frequently review the performance of our affiliates to bump up commissions, and or give bonuses. Please contact with any questions.