Brooklyn Battery Works ( features low prices on a wide assortment of batteries, including alkaline batteries like AA, AAA, C, D and 9-Volt batteries, coin and button batteries, cordless phone batteries, photo lithium batteries and many specialty batteries with prices on all of our products well below retail. The Brooklyn Battery Works affiliate program pays 7.5% commission on all sales generated on the site and our cookie duration is 30 days. During your first 30 days after signing up, you'll earn 10% commission! Also, if you generate over $1000 in product sales in a month, you'll earn an additional $25 bonus! Our site has been continually improved and expanded to convert visitors into buyers. Our wide selection of both widely-used batteries (such as Energizer and Duracell alkaline batteries) and hard-to-find batteries (like coin, button and sealed lead acid batteries) combined with our easy to navigate site, will turn your traffic into great commissions for you. BBW offers free shipping on many items and attracts both consumer and larger wholesale customers. We are dedicated to running an affiliate-friendly program. We offer several tools that affiliates can utilize to promote our products such as a product datafeed and various ad creatives. We have a dedicated affiliate manager that is always accessible and willing to help you succeed. Sign up Now and Start Earning! Questions? Email Us!