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Totally Guitars is a streaming online acoustic guitar lessons site. Commissions are 50% of all sales including recurring subscriptions revenue for life! Commissions are as high as $148.50!

We offer full access to our 400+ lesson library (over 4,000 lesson parts!) through our TARGET Program for a subscription price or the customer can choose pay per lesson options.

Pricing is structured as follows for our TARGET Program:

  • 30 day recurring - $29
  • 90 day recurring - $79.97
  • 6 months recurring - $155
  • 1 year recurring - $297

    Pay Per Lesson Pricing on average is $14.95. We also sell Bundled Packages of Pay Per Lessons.

    What sets Totally Guitars apart from other guitar sites?
    - Active forum
    - Community features
    - Student Video Upload Reviews
    - Recommend A Lesson Feature
    - Live Broadcasts
    - Many ways for our students to interact by uploading themselves playing

    Let's talk lessons...

    Let's start by answering what is a "lesson" on our site. Our lessons are typically 8-12 parts each. Each part is an in-depth fully explained segment. We do not count each part as a lesson like other sites claiming insane amounts of "lessons". Our customers are very happy with their complete lessons that are simply the best quality instruction out there. Currently we have over 400 multiple part TARGET Program Lessons. TARGET and Pay Per Lessons (Not Free) include tab, chart, and guitar pro files.

    Some Examples of lesson parts:

    Play Through
    The Chords
    Chord Progression
    Left Hand
    Right Hand

    Our lessons are taught by Neil Hogan with expert precision and over 45 years professional teaching experience.

    The site offers over 60 completely free lessons. Those lessons include any needed tab or chart. To access the free content users are required to make a free account. We track where the referral for the free account came from by logging your affiliate site IP. No matter when they come back and buy you will get the commission!

    Refunds are very rare as customers are able to watch our free lessons and view free previews of our TARGET Lessons before buying. We have a full time customer service staff that addresses issues the same day.

    We hope you will join us as a partner promoting Totally Guitars. We have put a lot of time and effort into making it the premiere destination for online guitar lessons and not just another guitar site.