Who We Are

Coveroo is the industry leader in personalized covers and cases for mobile devices such as phones, tablets and MP3 players. It is the only authorized reseller of customized OtterBox, Speck, Mophie and Coveroo-branded cases. Coveroo is brought to you by FanMade Inc., a Zazzle Company

Because of Coveroo’s dedication to innovative designs and product quality, many organizations have awarded the company exclusive licensing rights. Using its proprietary printing process, Coveroo offers thousands of licensed images from the world’s biggest brands including Disney, Marvel, MLB, NHL, NBA, DC Comics and hundreds of colleges, in addition to a large selection of fashion patterns and print designs, all of which can be personalized.

Why Promote Coveroo.com?

  1. Great offers and promotions
  2. Wide portfolio of creative assets and text links
  3. Dedicated account management
  4. Tools and resources from established network

Program Details

Commission Rate: 10%
Cookie Duration: 30 days
PPC Terms: Trademark terms are prohibited.

Keywords for Category Placement:

iphone cases, ipad cases, samsung cases, ipod cases, kindle cases, blackberry cases, phone covers, custom cases,t-shirts