Pure Natural Science

Prime Longevity is an effectuve anti-aging and longevity supplement that helps slow down the effects of aging, reduces oxidation and toxicity, and gives you more energy and vitality.

Our purpose is to educate as well as alleviate many of the daily stresses and exposure our bodies are bombarded with on a daily basis by supplementing with complementary ingredients and natural products. The Prime Longevity was formulated by Dr. Eliezer Ben-Joseph who is a board certified traditional naturopath with a full practice residing in El Paso, Texas. He holds degrees of MD (MA) Medicina Alternativa, and a D.Sc.. (doctor of science) from ‘The Open International University For Complementary Medicines’. He has studied chiropractic and osteopathic medicine in Israel, Ayurvedic medicine in a temple in India, physical therapy in Amsterdam, and lived 2 years in a teepee studying herbology in northern California.

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3. Save $30 with the order of 3 bottles

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Effective Ingredients of PrimeLongevity: