By joining with Credit Repair Consultants Affiliate program you join with one of the leading Credit Repair companies in the U.S.. Since 1997 we have assembled a team of experienced credit experts, knowledgeable support staff, and courteous customer service representatives whose primary goal is to help our applicants improve their credit. Credit has become increasingly important in today's world and all too often people lack the assistance and professional help they require in this crucial area. You as our Affiliate Partner will earn $65.00 for every sale generated and help others improve their lives. This is amongst the highest paying affiliate programs of this kind on the net. We are very keen in building a long term mutually beneficial relationship and always make sure that our Affiliate Partners benefits when we benefit. Program Highlights and Summary - 1) Pays $65 for every sale made 2) Great Banners and textlinks available 3) 90 days cokie tracking 4) Tracking done by the trusted third party Affiliate Network - Join our program now and start earning revenue today