Featured in the Los Angeles Times, Business 2.0, Yale Daily News, and others, AdmissionsEssays.com is the original admission essay and personal statement writing service on the Web. Founded in 1996, our Ivy-League educated editors and writers not only offer critique and proof-reading services; They provide complete and unique model essay development services through our proprietary Biograph(SM) process - a unique offering on the Web. All colleges, law schools, MBA schools, grad and medical schools require an admission essay, and we have helped thousands of aspiring student applicants produce memorable, striking, and effective personal statements and admission essays to help them get into their schools of choice.
We have partnered with ShareASale to offer our affiliates a generous 20% commission on all sales. Our average sale is $300.00 and single orders over $1,000.00 are not uncommon (students typically apply to multiple schools, and often require more than one essay). Sign up as an affiliate and start earning today!