Good Orient

Welcome to the Affiliate Program of

Established in 1997 GoodOrient is now the leading Asian Specialty E-store and we're proud to be one of the first to bring traditional and modern Asian-inspired apparel, exotic home decor and unique gifts onto the Internet.

Recent blockbuster movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Shanghai Noon, and Asian actors like Jackie Chan, Jet-Li and Zhang Ziyi, has indeed contributed to the growing appetite for cool Asian garb with a modern twist and has been a driving force behind our store's ever increasing popularity.

During our 10 years in the business we have served thousands of online customers from every corner of the globe, which has given us the experience to meet and exceed the expectations demanded from our global customer base and has resulted in products of the highest quality.

Why Join?

  • Highest Commission Pay-outs in our Niche: From 10% - 15%
  • Dedicated Management.
  • Customers Love Us: Check our Testimonials
  • Huge Product list of over 6,000 of the best quality Asian Apparel & Home Decor items
  • Exclusive products you won't find anywhere else
  • We cater to a huge circle of interest groups :
    From fashion, to restaurant, interior design, corporate gifts, hotels, wedding events, formal parties, cosplay community, clubbers and hippies, gift shoppers, mother's father's valentines etc holidays, feng shui, bruce lee interest groups, martial arts groups, kung fu, tai chi interest groups, yoga/health & lifestyle groups.

With offices in the United States and Hong Kong, our demanding worldwide customer's shopping experience is hassle-free and most of all, a pleasurable one. Our team of English speaking friendly staff combined with products of the highest quality will ensure the customers you send to us are always happy - and that's guaranteed!